Watch Full Sommeren '92 in HD Quality
Now you can play full Sommeren '92 in top quality with duration 120 Min and was released on 2015-08-27 and MPAA rating is 1.- Original Title : Sommeren '92
- Movie title in your country : Sommeren '92
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-08-27
- Companies of movie : PeaPie Films, Meta Film,
- Countries of movie : Denmark, United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : Dansk,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : V0uDZxyhaJ4
- Translation of movie : EN,DA,
- Cast of movie :Ulrich Thomsen (Richard Møller Nielsen), Mikkel Boe Følsgaard (Kim Vilfort), Cyron Melville (Brian Laudrup), Esben Smed Jensen (John 'Faxe' Jensen), Henning Jensen (Kaj Johansen), Gustav Dyekjær Giese (Peter Schmeichel), Jon Lange (Kim Christofte), Allan Hyde (Flemming Povlsen), Johannes Lassen (Kent Nielsen), Morten Vang Simonsen (Henrik Andersen), Lene Maria Christensen (Jonna Møller Nielsen), Birgitte Hjort Sørensen (Minna Vilfort), Lars Brygmann (Frits Ahlstrøm), Hans Holtegaard (Hans), Julie Zangenberg (Annette Jensen), Adam Fischer (Torben Frank), Lucas Hansen (Assistent), Elias Munk (Troels Rasmussen), Helle Pilar Larsen (Sygeplejerske), Anthony Straeger (Engelsk Journalist), Marc Sander (Lars Elstrup), Peer Kaae (Steen Ankerdal), Sabrina Ruiz (Fransk Journalist), Frida Stigevik (), Madeleine Jacobsson (), Niclas Vessel Kølpin ()
Movie synopsis of Sommeren '92 :
Download full Sommeren '92 in High Quality Video with movie plot "The 1992 Danish football team competes for the European Championship." in HD quality. Free Streaming Sommeren '92 in HD Format by viewing the download link.
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Director : Kasper Barfoed, Screenplay : Anders Frithiof August, Screenplay : Kasper Barfoed
Sure, now you can view movie associated with Sommeren '92 fully length and have the connect to this motion picture Sommeren '92 in High Quality Video.
Tags: sport,
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