Full Length of Losing the North in Best Quality
Now you can download full Losing the North in top quality with duration 120 Min and has been aired on 2015-03-03 and MPAA rating is 26.- Original Title : Perdiendo el norte
- Movie title in your country : Losing the North
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-03-03
- Companies of movie : Aparte Producciones, Canal+ España, Telefónica Studios, Atresmedia Cine,
- Countries of movie : Spain,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, Español,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.6
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : ES,DE,EN,
- Actors of movie :Yon González (Hugo), Julián López (Braulio), Blanca Suárez (Carla), Malena Alterio (Marisol), Úrsula Corberó (Nadia), José Sacristán (Andrés), Miki Esparbé (Rafa), Javier Cámara (Próspero), Carmen Machi (Benigna), Younes Bachir (Hakan), Joachim Paul Assböck (Schalterbeamter), Roman Vogdt (Otto), Elena Rivera (), David Akinloye (), Richard Pena (Franz), Svante (), Arantxa Aranguren (Juana), Alberto Chicote (), Arturo Valls ()
Movie synopsis of Losing the North :
Watch full Losing the North in High Quality with movie summary "Two young Spanish men, with a university education, are tired of unemployment and decide to move to Germany. But soon they will find out that finding a better living is not as easy as they expected." in HD video. Full Losing the North in High Definition Format by clicking the button above.
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Director : Nacho G. Velilla, Writer : Nacho G. Velilla, Writer : Oriol Capel, Writer : David S. Olivas, Writer : Antonio Sánchez, Co-Producer : Gabriel Arias-Salgado, Producer : Mercedes Gamero, Executive Producer : Fernando García, Co-Producer : Axel Kuschevatzky, Producer : Nacho G. Velilla, Music : Juanjo Javierre, Director of Photography : Isaac Vila, Production Manager : Juanlo Prada Garrudo, Assistant Director : Guillermo Navajo, Editor : Ángel Hernández Zoido
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Tags: germany, berlin, unemployment, economic crisis, emigrants,
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